A Little More Wisdom
When baby #2 comes along, your trusty diaper bag will be pulling double duty. You’ll need two sizes of diapers, extra wipes, extra clothes and a wet bag to discreetly contain twice as many messes.
Remember what it was like to assemble your first baby’s diaper bag? What a thrill! When I was pregnant, I must’ve scrolled through hundreds of pictures of diaper bags online. I marveled at them in person, in awe of the cool features they could put right at our fingertips: a portable waterproof changing pad neatly tucked away in a hidden pocket? Delightful!
Once my bouncing baby boy arrived and we started going on adventures, I quickly realized how much I depended on my diaper bag. I also realized that I had made some first-time mom judgment errors on what I thought would work well versus what actually would work well. But practice makes perfect, and by the time baby boy #2 arrived, my diaper bag savvy was first-rate, which made me an unstoppable mom.
If you’re now the proud mama of a toddler and a baby, your diaper bag will be working overtime.
Let’s take a look at the items you’ll need to be a super mom on-the-go.
Double diaper duty
If you’ve been packing a diaper bag for your toddler, you’ve probably been surviving on 2-3 diapers. You’ll definitely need to pack more with a newborn in tow, because newborns can go through diapers surprisingly fast. Make sure you double-check your bag before you leave home to be sure you’re stocked with enough of each size.
Wipes, wipes and more wipes
Moms swear by baby wipes because they solve everything from diaper emergencies to sticky hands to wiping off tables at restaurants. Chances are you’ve tried most brands of wipes and landed on the one you like the best. Wipes go quickly with two kiddos, so keep an eye on your inventory. It never hurts to stash an extra pack in the car just in case.
Wet bag to the rescue
A wet bag will help you keep soiled items separate from clean ones. If you use cloth diapers, a wet bag is a must for keeping the “ick” and the smell contained. If you use disposable diapers, a wet bag is still great to have around for soiled clothes, bibs, burp cloths, etc. They come in a variety of sizes, so you can find one that fits perfectly in your diaper bag.
Little Remedies New Parent Survival Kit
Your outings won’t get sidelined by colic, gas bubbles, stuffy noses or minor boo-boos with this nifty Little Remedies® New Parent Survival Kit. It has everything you need to comfort your babies and provide fast relief.. This kit includes: Gripe Water, Honey Cough Syrup, Gas Relief Drops, Infant Fever+ Pain Reliever, Saline Spray/Drops, Nasal Aspirator, and a handy Dosage Chart.
Don’t get hangry
You probably have a list of go-to snacks for your toddler that are easy to pack and hopefully not too messy. Life with a newborn means you need to think about packing a bottle (with an extra nipple, just in case) and formula. If you’re breastfeeding, you may want to carry breast pads and a small blanket for privacy.
What else goes in the diaper bag? We asked moms and dads what other essentials they don’t leave home without and here’s what they had to say:
• Suncreen
• Chapstick
• Books
• Teething tablets
• Baby blanket
• Anti-bacterial hand wipes
• Travel size tissues
• Band-Aids
• Extra socks
• Extra cash
• Thermometer
• Nail clippers
• Nursing pads
What are your diaper bag must-haves for life with two? Let us know in the comments section on Little Remedies® Facebook page!