A Little More Wisdom

6 Tips for Soothing a Fussy Baby
Written by on November 22nd, 2016
Babies cry a lot. They’re notoriously famous for it. And despite our best efforts to handle a crying baby calmly and matter-of-factly, a crying baby can unnerve even the coolest, most experienced parents.

Newborn Essentials for Mealtime
Written by Cathy Hale on November 8th, 2016
Mealtime essentials for a newborn can be easy, especially if you breastfeed. You just need yourself and a hungry baby. Check! Check! And thank goodness for that.

New Mom 101 – Behavioral Milestones
Written by Cathy Hale on October 25th, 2016
As a new parent, lots of exciting milestones lie ahead: baby’s first smile, her first real laugh and that wobbly first step. Your seemingly fragile newborn will be bouncing around like a chatty acrobat before you know it.

Soothing Your Baby with Sound
Written by Cathy Hale on October 11th, 2016
As a mom, you are equipped with all sorts of awesome instinctive tools for soothing a fussy baby. Did you know your voice alone is extremely comforting for your baby? If you think about it, your little peanut has been listening to your voice long before she arrived.

Baby Essentials – Essentials for 1st 3 Months
Written by Cathy Hale on September 27th, 2016
The initial foray into motherhood was by far the most exciting experience in my life. I felt like the first few months of my pregnancy moved at a glacial pace, then suddenly time was flying by way too fast.

5 Reasons Why Your Baby is Cranky
Written by Cathy Hale on September 13th, 2016
The first few weeks with a newborn may be overwhelming since your life now includes understanding an adorable yet helpless little human. But during those initial weeks, newborns tend to cry for good reasons. They cry to let you know they’re hungry or they have a messy diaper.

Baby Sleep Safety: Crib Safety, Sleep Sacks & Co-Sleepers
Written by Cathy Hale on August 30th, 2016
There’s nothing more peaceful, sweet and innocent than a sleeping baby, especially a newborn. During quiet sleep, they look like little angels. Every mom agrees: sleeping babies are simply precious to watch, and I always thought the irony was how stressed out, disheveled and exhausted I looked in contrast.

Baby Development Series 6-9 Months
Written by Cathy Hale on August 16th, 2016
The days of holding a tiny crying newborn are gone. Now you’re living in a baby-proofed world because your little munchkin is all over the place. If she isn’t sleeping, she’s probably on the go. It’s an exciting and fun time for everyone because she’s doing new things every day.

Bonding with Your Baby
Written by Cathy Hale on August 2nd, 2016
The term “bonding with your baby” is something you’ve probably become highly aware of as a mother. Perhaps you felt an immediate connection with your baby as soon as you found out you were pregnant or maybe it was love at first sight after she arrived in the world.

Baby Development Series: 3-6 Months
Written by Cathy Hale on July 19th, 2016
Smiling. Laughing. Squealing with delight. Your baby is a chatty social butterfly these days who loves “conversations” and likes “chatting” with people. She is more aware of the world around her and she finds new ways to engage with it on a daily basis.