A Little More Wisdom

It's the Little Things That Matter

As a parent, it's the little things that matter. Your baby's little giggles, little steps and little sniffles.

Strategies To Help Your Baby Sleep At Night

Written by Cathy Hale on September 3rd, 2015

If you feel like you’ve been ignoring your oh-so-comfy bed lately, you’re not alone. It’s one of the first things you learn as a new parent. You. Miss. Sleeping. (Yawn!)


Babies 101: Herbal Supplement Can Soothe a Colicky Baby Babies cry

Written by Cathy Hale on August 31st, 2015

That's just the way it is. As we've discussed on this blog, babies cry for all sorts of reasons, so that means we find ourselves adding a new role to our resume – interpreter! In addition to being spit-up wipers, burping pros, diaper dash winners, impromptu singing sensations and bottle-warming superstars, we're professional baby translators.

products little tummys

Baby Gift Ideas for Parents (That They’ll Actually Use!)

Written by Cathy Hale on July 21st, 2015

I remember my first trip to a baby store when I was about six months pregnant with my son. My mom wanted it to a special bonding trip for the two of us, so we went together. The automatic, sliding, glass doors parted ways and as I stepped into the store and looked up at the towering aisles packed with what seemed like millions of baby products, I literally started crying. Yes, literally.

products kits

Understanding Baby Talk: Can You Decipher Your Baby’s Cries?

Written by Cathy Hale on July 17th, 2015

For first-time parents, every baby cry seems like a huge siren. You instinctively want to comfort your new bundle of joy, so if she starts crying you tend to run to her, pick her up and start trying to soothe her.

products little tummys fevers

Baby Spit-Up 101 for Parents

Written by Cathy Hale on July 16th, 2015

One of my funniest parenting stories is about my infant son unexpectedly spitting up on his grandpa – my father. My dad was around my boys a lot when they were babies and he was always helpful when we needed an extra hand.

products little tummys

Stop Feeling Frazzled: Tips for Coping with a Colicky Baby

Written by Cathy Hale on July 14th, 2015

If you’re doing an online search using the keywords “coping” and “colic,” you’ve come to the right place. There are thousands and thousands of books and articles about colic and coping strategies. That’s because having a colicky baby is a big deal.

little tummys fevers

Ways to Soothe a Fussy Baby

Written by Cathy Hale on July 13th, 2015

When your baby is eating, sleeping, smiling and cooing, all seems right with the world. But once in a while you have days when your baby is fussier than normal and your tried and true “tricks” for soothing her may not work. Have no fear! This too shall pass.

little tummys

4 Easy Steps for a Super Swaddle

Written by Cathy Hale on July 11th, 2015

If you’re new to the parenting journey, you may be a swaddling skeptic. I was! My initial stay in the hospital with a new baby was a totally blur, so when we got home and my husband was wrapping my baby so tight, I thought he was nuts!


Must-Haves for Life with a Newborn

Written by Cathy Hale on July 10th, 2015

Whether you had a natural childbirth with a doula or you were begging your nurse for an epidural at four centimeters dilated, I think there are a few must-haves every mom would agree on when it comes to staying calm during life with a newborn.

products kits

Common Things You Might Not Know About Life with A Newborn

Written by Cathy Hale on July 9th, 2015

When I was pregnant with my first child, my perception about newborns was pretty typical. I would catch myself daydreaming about how life with a new baby might be. I would gaze at his pristine nursery - stainless crib sheets, sparkling new changing table, perfectly spotless onesies - and envision him peacefully sleeping the nights away; chubby ...
