A Little More Wisdom

It's the Little Things That Matter

As a parent, it's the little things that matter. Your baby's little giggles, little steps and little sniffles.

Baby Basics: Good Microbes & Happy Tummies

Written by Cathy Hale on February 11th, 2016

The word “probiotics” is more prevalent than ever before when it comes to discussions about maintaining overall health. In fact, if you speak with “gut” professionals like gastroenterologists, they often recommend that adults should take probiotics to support intestinal health.

little tummys

8 Tips for Parents of Picky Eaters

Written by Cathy Hale on February 8th, 2016

The first few months of feeding my son “real” food was a breeze. He absolutely loved baby food. In fact, he liked carrots so much that he actually turned a slight shade of orange because I was feeding them to him almost daily. Oops! New mom problems, right?

little tummys

Baby Has A Cold: Tips for Easing Symptoms

Written by Cathy Hale on February 4th, 2016

Cold and flu season is upon us, so it seems like stuffy noses, dry coughs and congestion are inevitable. Grab the hand sanitizer! Icky germs are everywhere. No matter how careful you are and how hard you try to avoid it, you and your baby will eventually have to endure a cold

Little Coughs fevers

Getting a Healthy Kick with Kale

Written by Cathy Hale on January 18th, 2016

If we had to pick a food celebrity for 2015, I would say Kale is champ. As you’ve probably noticed, it’s now front-and-center in the veggie aisle alongside its famous relative, spinach.

products little tummys

Top 3 Baby Thermometers

Written by Cathy Hale on January 14th, 2016

Funny things happen to you when you’re living the #MomLife, especially when you’re a new mom with babies. You find yourself obsessed with things you probably never thought about pre-baby like diapers, spit-up, pee and poop. Another item that might get stuck in your mom brain is finding the right thermometer.

Little Coughs fevers

Figuring Out Food Allergies in Babies

Written by Cathy Hale on July 23rd, 2015

Introducing your baby to “solid” food is an exciting stage in their growth and development, but it can also introduce new stress to your daily routine if your baby has food allergies.

products little tummys

Understanding Your Baby’s Digestion

Written by Cathy Hale on July 21st, 2015

When it comes to caring for healthy newborns and babies, most parents worry about things like sleeping, naptime, feeding schedules and who’s on diaper duty. But new parents quickly discover that their baby’s tummy health has a huge impact on all of the above, because when your baby’s belly woes are making them fussy and uncomfortable everyone feels sad.

products little tummys

Caring for Little Noses with Little Remedies

Written by Cathy Hale on July 18th, 2015

You will wipe a lot of things as a parent. Mouths, bottoms and noses tend to top the list! The timeless battle with runny and stuffy noses becomes a constant struggle when your baby is not big enough to blow or wipe her own nose.

little noses

5 Natural Ways to Calm Your Baby’s Cough

Written by Cathy Hale on July 15th, 2015

Coughs are just one of those unfortunate things we all have to deal with now and then. When your baby is feeling miserable and coughing constantly, it can be stressful. And nighttime coughing fits that disrupt everyone’s sleep are definitely no fun.

Little Coughs

The Best Foods for Baby’s First Meals

Written by Cathy Hale on July 14th, 2015

Did you know butternut squash is a great first food for your baby? It’s high in vitamin A and potassium and most babies think it’s pretty tasty. Another reason it makes the “first meal” list is because it’s typically low on the allergy scale.

little tummys