A Little More Wisdom

Baby Has A Cold: Tips for Easing Symptoms
Written by Cathy Hale on February 4th, 2016
Cold and flu season is upon us, so it seems like stuffy noses, dry coughs and congestion are inevitable. Grab the hand sanitizer! Icky germs are everywhere. No matter how careful you are and how hard you try to avoid it, you and your baby will eventually have to endure a cold

Top 3 Baby Thermometers
Written by Cathy Hale on January 14th, 2016
Funny things happen to you when you’re living the #MomLife, especially when you’re a new mom with babies. You find yourself obsessed with things you probably never thought about pre-baby like diapers, spit-up, pee and poop. Another item that might get stuck in your mom brain is finding the right thermometer.

Caring for Little Noses with Little Remedies
Written by Cathy Hale on July 18th, 2015
You will wipe a lot of things as a parent. Mouths, bottoms and noses tend to top the list! The timeless battle with runny and stuffy noses becomes a constant struggle when your baby is not big enough to blow or wipe her own nose.

5 Natural Ways to Calm Your Baby’s Cough
Written by Cathy Hale on July 15th, 2015
Coughs are just one of those unfortunate things we all have to deal with now and then. When your baby is feeling miserable and coughing constantly, it can be stressful. And nighttime coughing fits that disrupt everyone’s sleep are definitely no fun.

Get Nosey 7 Things You Should Know About Saline Mist for Babies
Written by Cathy Hale on July 11th, 2015
I never think about my nose unless it’s completely stuffed up or totally runny. Then I obsess about it because it’s not working! Whether it’s a symptom of a cold or allergies or low humidity, I just want that icky feeling of a dry sinus cavity to go away.

8 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Hiccups in Newborns
Written by Cathy Hale on July 8th, 2015
Everyone gets hiccups occasionally, even newborns. Hiccups, which can be triggered by overfeeding or swallowing too much air, are actually small contractions in the diaphragm like tiny muscle spasms.

5 Tricks to Help Relieve Baby Gas
Written by Cathy Hale on June 29th, 2015
As a new parent, did you have any idea babies were so gassy? I knew I’d be dealing with sleepless nights, lots of dirty diapers and spit-up, but I didn’t know babies commonly pass gas 13-21 times per day!