A Little More Wisdom

How to Help Your Constipated Toddler Go
Written by Cathy Hale on January 7th, 2019
Seeing your baby in pain because of constipation can be heartbreaking. Here’s how you can help him.

A Crying Baby is a Normal Baby
Written by Cathy Hale on October 12th, 2018
Crying is totally normal in healthy babies as they develop, so why not anticipate the peaks to better soothe those tears.

The Best Ways to Ease a Fussy Baby
Written by Cathy Hale on May 24th, 2016
When your baby isn’t eating, sleeping or being absolutely adorable, chances are she’s crying. If your newborn is already a few weeks old, you can probably decipher some of her cries and you’re in tune with what she needs. However, if you’re a brand new parent with a brand new baby ...

Baby Basics: Good Microbes & Happy Tummies
Written by Cathy Hale on February 11th, 2016
The word “probiotics” is more prevalent than ever before when it comes to discussions about maintaining overall health. In fact, if you speak with “gut” professionals like gastroenterologists, they often recommend that adults should take probiotics to support intestinal health.

8 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Hiccups in Newborns
Written by Cathy Hale on July 8th, 2015
Everyone gets hiccups occasionally, even newborns. Hiccups, which can be triggered by overfeeding or swallowing too much air, are actually small contractions in the diaphragm like tiny muscle spasms.

5 Tricks to Help Relieve Baby Gas
Written by Cathy Hale on June 29th, 2015
As a new parent, did you have any idea babies were so gassy? I knew I’d be dealing with sleepless nights, lots of dirty diapers and spit-up, but I didn’t know babies commonly pass gas 13-21 times per day!