A Little More Wisdom

Sleep Safety for Newborns & Babies
- Babies should sleep on their backs until their first birthday
- Your baby’s sleeping surface should be firm
- Never sleep baby on a sofa, couch or armchair
- Keep soft and loose objects out of baby’s sleep area

How to Swaddle Like a Pro
Written by Cathy Hale on December 10th, 2018
If you haven’t mastered the art of swaddling your baby yet, here are helpful tips from swaddling pros.

How Super Moms Weather Baby’s Evening Fussy Time
Written by Cathy Hale on November 14th, 2018
If your sweet baby is anything but sweet during 4pm-mignight, that’s called the “Witching Hour,” but it doesn’t last forever.

Babies + Nighttime Fever
- Keep a thermometer in nursery
- Avoid bundling a baby with fever
- Call pediatrician for fever above 100.4 in infants
- Get Little Remedies® Infant Fever & Pain Reliever to reduce fever

A Crying Baby is a Normal Baby
Written by Cathy Hale on October 12th, 2018
Crying is totally normal in healthy babies as they develop, so why not anticipate the peaks to better soothe those tears.

Foods To Avoid Until 1st Birthday
- Cow’s milk, soy milk and fruit juice
- Honey (unpasteurized so it’s also a “no-no”)
- Hard foods like grapes, nuts, raisins, or raw vegetables are choking hazards
- Soft foods like gelatins, marshmallows or peanut butter can also be choking hazards

Crafty Keepsakes: 7 Ways to Up-cycle Baby Clothes
Written by Cathy Hale on September 17th, 2018
Life with baby is all about special moments and memories that will last a lifetime. Even if you’re one of those moms who swears you won’t hang on to tiny onesies and well-loved blankies, chances are you will. While many of the baby clothes you accumulate won’t stay with you forever, a few will find their way into to your heart.

Babies + Household Hazards
- Potential drowning dangers in bathrooms include toilets and bathtubs
- Make sure baby can't reach long cords on window blinds
- Inspect floor closely for chocking hazards like batteries, coins and small toys
- Keep baby away from sharp corners on coffee tables

Saline Rinse isn’t Just for Sick Days
Written by Cathy Hale on August 20th, 2018
Find out how saline rinse can do wonders for baby’s stuffy nose by moisturizing dry nasal passages and breaking down thick mucus.

Babies + Sun Safety
- Use a sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or higher
- Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before getting in the sun
- Always apply sunscreen, even on cloudy days
- Sunscreen is only recommended for babies over 6 months of age
- Avoid sun exposure between 10 am & 4 pm